Prayer Joys and
Joys: Dr. Richard Jones is home and doing
Concerns: Chuck Wiseman, pray for
Concerns including those with chronic illnesses and those who have requested
prayers: Henry Archuleta; Stephanie Archuleta; Wayne Bacon; Carol Jean Conkin; Rev. Randy Campbell; Gene Chacon;
Mora Cogswell; Rev. Adrienne
Coleman; Rick Garcia; Rev. Katherine Griffis; Chuck Henry’s friend, Sam; Lara
Higgins; Doug Hankins; Dr. Richard
Jones; Gladys McGarey; John Martin;
Merle Ann Morett; Maybelle
Mudgett; Martha Phelps; John Robertson; Kenneth Sjogren; Charlotte Sjogren; Lori Starika;
Nina Strong; Bryan Thomas; Donna Wilcox;
Deb Williams; Charlie
Wiseman; Rev. Juanita Wiseman.
Our church, our pastor,
our session; our college students; our military; our Nation and its leaders; our
missionaries, the Christians around the world who are suffering persecution.
*Please note: Those
listed, who are not members of our church, are concerns of our members. Some with chronic illnesses, or personal trials, may wish continued prayer
support. This Prayer Chain e-mail list
includes prayer concerns from others and from
Presbytery. Please address your
questions or concerns to Dr. McGarey